About Us

About L.I.F.E. Ministry

L.I.F.E. Ministry began over 40 years ago in the living room of Ron and Joanne Highley in midtown Manhattan. There were 12 people in attendance all seeking freedom from homosexuality and began at the request of the people who attended.

Out of this humble beginning we have developed by the Lord’s guidance and provision a ministry which now ministers in counselling, prayer, deliverance, support groups, phone counselling, teaching, newsletters and love to thousands of people.

We are very grateful to God and to the ones He has quickened to stand with us as staff, Board members, courageous people working to be free and friends who believe in this work. It is an amazing privilege to handle the sacred truth that will set people free from this sin.

We have had many lives brought out of deception and addiction and into His marvelous light and truth. We rejoice in His calling us to stand as people of God who are moving by the power of His Spirit and the Name of Jesus to do this much-needed work.

We are a 501(c)3 organization, non-profit, tax-exempt Christian ministry. We have offices in Manhattan for counseling and support group meetings. We do not charge for our counseling but are supported by gifts to the ministry. We have spoken for scores of colleges and churches as well as major television shows, both sacred and secular. We have now ministered to more than 1500 men and 400 women in the years we have been working here.

L.I.F.E. stands for Living In Freedom Eternally and we stand on the truth of complete freedom from the addictive bondage of homosexuality. We have seen many marriages and many “grandchildren” come from the people who have been set free in this ministry.

Other ministries have come into existence using our teaching model and we look forward to many more as we continue to teach and write. Our new book, “Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment”, published 2016.

May this website be a blessing to all of you who access its information. Please pray for us.


Dear Visitor

Welcome to the website of L.I.F.E. Ministry in New York City, a ministry called and ordained to set people free from homosexuality through the truth and power of God and His Son, Jesus Christ. We have been set free from years of bondage and emotional lies and you can be also.

We have seen hundreds of people here in midtown Manhattan over our years of ministry in this city. They have come to us for counsel and prayer, and their lives have been changed. God’s ways do not fail. He desires that we find freedom and peace in Him. Intimacy with God is the answer to all addiction– and homosexuality is addiction– relationship addiction. The problem is to remove the blockages and resistance to that intimacy.

Also some ministries teach that healthy same-sex relationships are the key to outgrowing homosexuality. We find that the Scripture says just the opposite. In 1 Peter 1:22 we read: “Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply from the heart.”

Most of us, while in homosexual deception, felt we loved someone, when truly we were using that person as a fix to keep our emotions quiet. So we need to learn how to love by purifying our thoughts, minds and emotions until they obey the truth. Then we can love sincerely, from the heart. Out of this work comes freedom and then we build godly friendship. The relationship with God is first so His love can motivate all other love.

We know you will find teaching and testimony here that will give you hope and direction to build a new life. God is with you. Always remember God Himself said He is married to the backslider. St. Paul said he had been a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, and he was shown mercy by God. God’s mercy is new every morning. Mercy triumphs over judgment.

Let us hear from you. We are delighted to have the privilege of sharing the Good News of God’s love. May the Lord bless you today with new hope and understanding.

Joanne Highley, Director of LIFE Ministry

Collection Of Articles


Other ministries have come into existence using our teaching model and we look forward to many more as we continue to teach and write.